Building Resilience, Lowering Stress
If there is one thing I have learned in life with my dogs, it is that resilience is not linear; it goes up and down and it is our job to continually facilitate what our dogs need in order for them to thrive throughout the entirety of their lives. What is resilience? It is the body's ability to adapt to or overcome stressors.
The Power of Patterns
One major way that dogs learn is through associations where one event predicts another. This is a result of associations that the dog deems pleasant or unpleasant; meaning the dog perceives what is good or bad and makes predications for the future based on learned patterns, or manufactured predictable events.
Muzzle Conditioning
By conditioning your dog to a muzzle, you will be able to give your dog a more fulfilling life, you will be less nervous, and you will be better able to train your dog safely. If your dog is not a behavior case, I recommend muzzle conditioning anyway. Dogs are animals and animals bite. Dogs get injured and injured dogs make rash decisions. If your injured dog is already muzzle conditioned, it will mean less stress on them in an already stressful time. It should not matter if your dog is social, reactive or aggressive, just like all dogs should be able to find comfort in a crate, all dogs should be muzzle conditioned, just in case.
Beginner Leash Handling 101
Your leash should be a communication tool, not a containment device. This means that you want to have a loose leash, rather than a tight one, at all times. When you hold the leash tight, you send negative energy down to your dog, which can signal them to be on alert. A constantly tight leash will also teach your dog to fight pressure, and our aim is to teach your dog to release pressure.
How to Avoid Accidentally Reinforcing Undesired Behaviors
Every time you come upon your dog and give them immediate attention, you reinforce what they were doing or thinking moments before you entered the room.
Kibble- A Simple Guide To Your Ingredient List
Before picking out a new brand of food, try looking it up on an unbiased third party review site, such as Dog Food Advisor, for a detailed, in-depth analysis.
Outlets for Energy and Instinctual Drive
When choosing outlets for your dog's energy, pay attention to what it is they love most in the world, then find a way to put yourself in the middle of it.
Does Your Dog Jump?
Before we tell your dog 'no, don't jump,' let's take a minute to ask ourselves WHY they are jumping in the first place?
Blitz’s Story: How illness led to behavioral euthanasia
May you rest in peace Blitz. You are safe, you are loved, and you are free.
The Basic Science and Math of It All
Balance is key to any good relationship because it indicates clear expectations; dogs do not do well with grey area, they require black and white communication in order to understand what we want from them.
A clear example of how our emotions can directly effect our dogs’ behavior
This is why, as a leader, as a dog owner, we need to consider the needs of the individual dog before we even consider fulfilling our own.
Training Small Breed Dogs, like Jake the Shih-Tzu
What we must remember is that small breed dogs are dogs too, and they require everything a large breed dog does; exercise, mental stimulation, socialization, leadership, boundaries, and guidance.
Adventures in Reactive Dog Encounters- Part 1
If your dogs are likely to run at other dogs, they should be on leash until taught some impulse control.
Why I Became A Dog Trainer
I never dreamed of being a dog trainer, in fact, it was never something I even considered until the day I decided to become one.
Don’t Worry, They’re Friendly (they’ve never bitten before)
I hope you will see this as a cautionary tale and understand that just because your pushy, assertive, or out of control dog has never bitten before, does not mean that they never will, so take precautions, be proactive, and start training today!
Stress and Your Dog in Training
Humans find ways to cope with stress, like yoga and meditation. So why not teach your dog how to cope with stress too? They will be happier and healthier for it.
Camellia’s Wild Dog Pack Classes, Walks, and Socials
Private lessons allow you and your dog to learn in a calm, quiet environment while having all the focus and attention on you. Once private training is complete, graduated clients can attend weekly Pack Classes.
Children’s Bite Prevention Seminars
Our children’s bite prevention seminars focus on fun, informative, and interactive activities to teach children how to read a dog’s body language and warning signs, as well as learn how to properly interact with family and strange dogs.